Eco Friendly Ideas

Eco Friendly Ideas 

There are folks who want to save the planet and others who actually go out and do it. The go-out-and-doers are not personally cleaning out landfills or necessarily banning all things plastic. And obviously the whole idea of saving the world is a group project. Nevertheless, there are things we can do that are realistic, easy, and might just keep this “blue marble” around for a little longer. 

What Does Being Eco- Friendly Mean? 
Eco-friendly is shorthand for being environmentally aware or friendly to the environment. By learning how to live in ways that involve less disposability and more sustainability, we sacrifice convenience for the sake of having a planet on which to live. Though this may sound grand and somewhat undoable, it is important to remember that all it takes are small steps, built up incrementally, that ultimately add up to big changes that mean a lot. 

How Do You Become Eco Friendly? 

First it is important to know what we are talking about. Think about the natural resources you use pretty regularly. Water, energy, and air for example. Now consider the ways in which you use these resources, how they impact your life and the lives of those around you, and perhaps most importantly, how to maintain them for as long as possible. 

Ideas for Becoming Eco Friendly
Becoming environmentally friendly does not have to include spending money or buying new items. It can certainly, but take a look at some of the ways in which you could become eco friendly right now, without spending a dime!

Saving Water 
Turning off the water in your sink and shower when you are between tasks, is an easy and practical way to start saving water. Before brushing your teeth, you can turn the water off as you slather on the toothpaste and while you actually brush. In the shower, you can turn off the water between rounds of soap and shampoo.

Another way to conserve water, particularly during the summer months, is to water your lawn for set periods of time and through metered devices. Chances are that if you have a lawn, you probably have some sort of sprinkler system. Make sure you limit your use, rely on rainfall when you can, and maintain the upkeep of your garden so they are healthy and last even during dry spells.

By filling your washing machine to capacity, instead of washing a few items at a time, you can further reduce your water usage. Doing frequent, smaller loads of laundry is a convenience that wastes far too much water. 

Saving the Air 
In order to reduce the amount of fumes in the air, we need to take a good hard look at how much we drive and whether or not we are driving vehicles that pass their emissions tests. In order to reduce the amount you drive altogether, consider carpooling with friends or coworkers.

If you smoke, stop, or at least try to. Not only will your lungs thank you, but those of the people you live and work with will, too. By reducing the amount of fumes you exhale, you inject far fewer chemicals into the air, making the world a far more breathable place.

If you can, try your hand at growing a plant. There is no need to have a green thumb, but the ability to keep a plant alive is preferable. Plants are able to absorb toxins in the air and in turn, keep them away from us. 

Saving Energy 
Before you purchase another incandescent light bulb, consider using compact fluorescent lamps, or CFL light bulbs. These light bulbs are not only bright, but save more energy than traditional bulbs and need to be replaced far less often.

When the winter comes it is pretty common for folks to make a beeline to the thermostat. If you need to warm your house you absolutely should. But if you make sure your home is properly insulated, you won’t need the heat on as high and you will be saving energy.

Last but certainly not least, the best way to keep the warm air in, in the winter and the cool air in, in the summer, is to make sure your windows, door, and other seams in the house are not letting any air in or out. Sealing up leaks like these can save you a ton of money and ultimately do your part in saving the planet. 


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