How To Stay Fit Without Lots Of Exercise: A Simple Guide

How To Stay Fit Without Lots Of Exercise

We all know that staying fit is really important. We also know that staying fit can be really difficult. But it doesn’t have to be. What if I told you that there are lots of different ways to keep fit without a gym membership that you’ll likely ignore, or buying expensive exercise equipment that you’ll never use. 

You can make changes to your diet and your daily routine that will have you shedding those extra pounds before you even realize it. These aren’t huge lifestyle changes that you have to make. I’m not saying that you should sell your car, buy a bicycle, and start riding everywhere—though, that’s not a bad idea. However, these are more practical solutions that are a lot easier (and more fun) for you to try.

Eat Better 

Watch The Amount You Eat - I mean this literally, look at what you eat, specifically, the size of what you eat. Choosing smaller portion sizes is the first step to eating healthier, you don’t even have to change what you eat, at least not yet, you just have to eat less of it.

Choose Healthier Options - Okay, now you need to change what you eat, but it doesn’t have to be a huge change. Just reduce the amount of processed foods you eat and start eating foods that are high in fiber and in protein, since they make you feel fuller for longer. Examples of high fiber foods include fruits like bananas, apples, and pears. High protein foods include chicken breast, Greek yogurt, and almonds. You see, eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring or flavorless.

Eat From a Red Plate - Yes, this is a strange one, but there is a theory that people eat less from red plates because we’re wired to associate the color red with stopping. Maybe it will work, maybe it won’t, but, hey, at least you get a snazzy red plate out of this experiment!

Snack More Carefully - Mindless snacking is a surefire way to gain weight, so practice mindful snacking instead. Avoid snacking while watching TV or using your computer, so if you’re snacking right now, cut it out. One way to avoid this is by putting all the unhealthy stuff out of sight and snacking on healthy foods like fruits and nuts instead.

Get More Active 

Walk More - Going for the occasional walk burns calories and improves your metabolism, which helps you burn calories even faster, it’s a win-win situation. You can also do little things to walk more each day, like parking further away from your destination, or taking the stairs. Counting your steps using a fitness band or a smartphone app can help you maintain the discipline you need to walk more each day.

Do More Chores - Yes, we all hate them, but performing common household chores like cleaning the floor or washing the car can burn a lot of calories. Not to mention that you’ll end up with a cleaner, tidier home afterwards.

Go Outside - Staying perched on the sofa is comfortable, but it’s not doing your health much good. A sedentary lifestyle is an unhealthy lifestyle. Take a walk, go on a hike, ride your bicycle, walk the dog—if you don’t have a dog, then borrow someone else’s. Just remember to ask first. None of these activities have to be performed at a high intensity, even a casual pace is good enough.

Sleep Better 

A lack of sleep can affect hunger controlling hormones like leptin and ghrelin, this can make you feel hungrier and cause you to feel less satisfied after you eat, which makes you eat more. So, try to get six to seven hours of sleep each day to keep the cravings at bay (I know you sleep at night, but that doesn’t rhyme).

Reducing stress is also a way to get better sleep. Yes, I know, easier said than done, but meditating, practicing yoga, or simply taking time to unwind all help. There are also smartphone apps that can help you reduce your stress, but try to limit your screen time before you head to sleep. Studies have shown that using the phone, tablet, computer, or TV before bed can adversely affect your sleep patterns. So, turn off the screens about an hour before bedtime if you want to get a good night’s sleep.

A Fitter, Better Life Is Within Your Reach 

Being fit makes you feel better, look better, and live longer, I know it isn’t always easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle when we sit in an office all day, and cheap, sugary snacks are so easy to come by. But, once you take even a small step to improve your health, you’ll realize how much better you feel, and you will make staying fit and healthy a habit instead of a goal. So, get started and don’t forget that Eva-Marie Berry is rooting for you, and so is everybody else.


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